Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals with Semaglutide at Custom Health Centers

Achieve Your Weight Loss Goals with Semaglutide at Custom Health Centers

If you are looking to lose weight and have had no luck with traditional dieting and exercise, look no further than Semaglutide. This prescription medication is designed to help individuals...
April 11, 2023 — Todd Bailey
The Surprising Health Benefits of Cinnamon

The Surprising Health Benefits of Cinnamon

Mother Nature, as they say, has an answer to just about every health problem that we humans may encounter. When it comes to weight loss, one of the solutions Mother Nature offers is cinnamon. Cinnamon isn’t usually what comes to mind when thinking about weight loss, but its effects have actually been shown to contribute to this goal of losing weight.

February 12, 2021 — Dr. Jason Olafsson
Top 5 Foods That BURN FAT!

Top 5 Foods That BURN FAT!

Nearly half of Americans are actively working toward a weight loss goal and with an abundance of weight loss programs and theories available, no two journeys are the same.  Navigating...
February 12, 2021 — Dr. Jason Olafsson
The Most Effective Exercise for Weight Loss

The Most Effective Exercise for Weight Loss

You may have heard of the term “HIIT” workout but never understood what it means, or its purpose. HIIT, or High-Intensity Interval Training, is a powerful tool for weight loss,...
February 12, 2021 — Dr. Jason Olafsson
Small Changes That Have a Big Impact on Weight Loss

Small Changes That Have a Big Impact on Weight Loss

When it comes to weight loss, it’s often the smallest actions that make the biggest difference. Simple, consistent changes are more sustainable than restrictive diets or massive lifestyle overhauls, meaning...
February 10, 2021 — Dr. Jason Olafsson