When Athletes, Doctors, & Health Professionals Want To Lose

Weight, This Is What They Do


What if you knew, without a doubt, that you could lose 20, 40, or 75 pounds with a proven, stress-free weight loss program? A program based on the latest research in nutrition. And a program customized to your body, your health, and your lifestyle instead of the cheap, gimmicky, diet-of-the-month plans that make you figure everything out on your own…

It could change your life, right? Well, get ready to hear about a program unlike any other. We’ve helped 1,000s of people like you lose weight, take inches off their waist-line, and get long-lasting energy throughout their day. After helping working professionals, stay at home parents, athletes, and as the official weight loss providers for the Detroit Lions Alumni Association, we guarantee it’ll work for you.


Designed by Dr. Jason Olafsson


Hi, I’m Dr. Jason Olafsson (DC), founder of the Custom Health Centers and the Custom Weight Loss Program. I want to ask you 2 questions - although you may not want to answer…

Does your weight hold you back, like you’re a prisoner in your own body, and keep you from enjoying life?
Is it preventing you from being the person you know you can and should be?

They’re tough questions, I know. But in 2010, weighing 292 pounds, I could no longer ignore what I saw in the mirror. My weight was taking over my life.

Like most people who carry these extra pounds, I had high blood pressure and was at risk for all the health problems that come along with it - like heart attack, stroke, cancer, and diabetes. Not to mention:

  • Aching joints and back pain.
  • Trying to hide the huffing and puffing, just from going up a flight of steps.
  • And craving snacks, sugar, and caffeine just to have enough energy to get through the day.


Disappointed, Discouraged, And Depressed

There were also other issues I didn’t really want to talk about...

Like how I felt as a person. What kind of example was I setting for my family? I was slowly losing confidence in myself and it was affecting my work, my family, and my relationships. And you know what? The idea of hiding from the world... sounded pretty good at times.

But, if we wait and hide too long, our lives get controlled by expensive doctor visits, gulping down handfuls of pills every day, wearing clothes that don’t fit right, and dealing with years of judgment - from ourselves and others.

As a man of Faith, a doctor, and a father, inside I felt kind of embarrassed…

If You’ve Hit Rock Bottom - Good. It’s Time To Find Your ‘Why’

When I stepped on the scale and it said 292 pounds, I couldn't believe what I saw. I was at a crossroads in life and realized there was a choice to make....

If I didn’t do something about this weight, I may not be around to see my children graduate high school. Or dance at their wedding. Or hold a newborn grandchild.

Your situation may be a little different. Maybe your weight is holding you back from a better job. Or keeping you from getting the courage to meet the right person. Or maybe you just feel yucky about yourself.

Eventually, we have to do something about it, or it gets worse and worse. When I realized it was time to make a change, I did what most of us do - I tried to exercise more, eat less, and follow the advice in all the magazines, celebrity workouts, and the popular diet-of-the-month plans. Maybe you’re familiar with some of the common ‘weight loss’ methods like:

  • Trying to keep track of a point system to see what you can and can’t eat
  • Going for a run and convincing yourself not to give up - after just 5 minutes!
  • Following a strict diet that takes all weekend to prepare and leaves you starving, irritable, and light-headed all-day
  • Trying to lift weights, use machines, or run on that dreaded treadmill in a crowded smelly gym

Following the traditional methods, I barely lost any weight, especially compared to how hard I worked. Maybe you’ve gone through this too. When you take a break from these unrealistic programs, the weight comes right back (and sometimes even more weight than when you started).

When Typical Diet and Exercise Programs Don’t Work, Who Do We Turn To?

I was fed up and determined to figure this out. As a doctor, I had direct access to find the truth behind why weight loss was so difficult. I attended seminars, read medical texts, and studied the latest research in nutrition science. I began experimenting and putting plans together. And I found out there are customizable tips, tricks, and strategies to help with:

  • A mindset that won’t give in to temptation
  • Knowing the best foods for energy, fat burning, and resetting your health
  • Quick and convenient customized workouts that anyone can do regardless of their limitations

After implementing what I learned, in just a couple of months, I lost over 55 pounds and I’ve kept it off for over 9 years. I’ve since put these same strategies and tips into a completely customizable system called the Custom Weight Loss Program.

And in the last 9 years, we’ve helped 10,000s of people lose over 500,000 pounds. So there’s no doubt, this is a proven system that works, and it can be tailored to your unique needs.

We’re so confident we even guarantee it!

Your 1-On-1 Coach That Cares About You + State-Of-The-Art Technology + The Latest Research = Your Guaranteed Results


Eddie Murray, a retired NFL player for the Detroit Lions, sums up the Custom Health Centers approach when he said,

“I've always been impressed with Doctor Jason, he doesn't sit on his program or his laurels or what he's doing. He's always trying to fine-tune the program.”


Other weight loss programs are telling you what you want to hear. But you won’t see those cookie-cutter programs give you a 1-on-1 coach to guide you to your ideal size and weight like we do. Our highly trained staff is always on your side.


We have an app that gives you an instant-access online portal to do everything from the comfort of your home (Although, in as little as 1 week, you might want to go out and show off the new you).


This online portal tracks your progress for you. It shows how much you’ve lost. It can even see if you’ve plateaued and alert your coach if you’re stuck. There’s never been an all-in-1 system with personalized support and accountability built-in like this one. 


Get The Support You Need!


You’ve probably felt alone trying to lose weight before. Or you’ve wanted to quit and give up because it seemed too difficult. Not here. You can reach out for support by either contacting your coach, the phone hotline, text messaging, or the ‘HELP’ feature in the online portal. We’re here for YOU.

Don’t Talk Yourself Out Of ‘The New You’ 


No one should feel like being overweight is “who you are.” And everyone deserves to look and feel good about themselves when they walk by a mirror. Or go out in public. Or see themselves in their social media feed and in photos.


That’s why we’re here. To hear about your goals. To hear how things will be different when you get your life back.  Take control of your weight. We’ll show you how to get there.


Not everyone is a good fit for the Custom Weight Loss Program. Some people aren’t serious about changing their life and they’re looking for a ‘miracle pill.’ They aren’t willing to do anything different. But because you’ve gotten this far, you’re probably one of the serious ones.


So, if you’re ready, and you want a program that’s customized for your busy days, hectic lifestyle, and unique health needs, then today is your day (because the ‘tomorrow excuse’ never comes).



Still not sure if you should book an appointment?


Jennifer’s weight loss journey was life changing. See for yourself:

“Before going I had a lot of problems with my weight because I had a thyroid issue, and... it causes a lot of problems, and you gain weight… I was very skeptical of trying anything 'cause I'm like, "It's not gonna work." And when I was talking to them, they actually made sense that they can work with your body…”

After the program we asked Jennifer what she would tell someone who was in her shoes, feeling a little skeptical but also interested:

I would have to tell them that they really should try the program because it's a life changer. It's a total game changer. I feel 110% better than what I did five months ago. Five months ago, I was not happy, I was disgusted, I just felt gross, today I feel amazingly happy. It's like I have a whole new life and it will make you feel so much better by going and doing the program and just changing your whole life. To top it all off, even though I'm off the program, I can still go back there and if I need help on anything, they're willing to still help you even though you're off the program.”


 If You Want To Feel 110% Better, Just Like Jennifer, Schedule Your Appointment And Experience A Program Unlike Any Other Weight Loss System You’ve Ever Seen.



For A Weight Loss Program That Actually Works, And To Get Your Customized Plan Tailored For Your Lifestyle