The gut is incredibly complex, but incredibly important to our overall health.

Multiple studies in the past few decades have shown a linkage between gut health and the immune system, mental health, mood, autoimmune diseases, skin conditions, and more. 

The phrase “gut microbiome” refers to microorganisms that live in your intestines. There are about 300 to 500 different species of bacteria that live within a digestive tract. Although some microorganisms are damaging to an individual’s health, many are both beneficial and necessary to maintaining health.

According to a study, housing a wide variety of good bacteria in your gut can improve the functionality of your immune system, while combating obesity, increasing your mood, and providing multiple other benefits. 

So, what are signs of an unhealthy gut?

1. An upset stomach 

If you experience frequent stomach disturbances such as bloating, gas, constipation, heartburn, or diarrhea, then you might have an unhealthy gut. When your gut is balanced, it has less difficulty eliminating waste and processing food.

2. Unintended weight changes

If you are gaining or losing weight without making changes to your exercise regimen or diet, you may have gut issues. An imbalanced gut can negatively impact your body’s ability to absorb nutrients, store fat, or regulate blood sugar. Weight gain can be prompted by insulin resistance or the urge to overeat due to a lack of nutrient absorption, while weight loss may be due to a small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

3. A diet high in sugar 

A diet full of added sugars and processed foods can lower the amount of healthy bacteria in your gut. This imbalance can result in an increase in sugar cravings, which can damage your gut even more. Particularly, high amounts of high-fructose corn syrup and other refined sugar have been linked to an increase in inflammation in the body, which can be a catalyst to a number of diseases.

4. Constant fatigue or sleep issues 

Sleep disturbances and chronic fatigue may be an indicator of an unhealthy gut. The majority of your body’s serotonin, a crucial hormone that affects your sleep and mood, is formed in the gut. (This is why eating healthy foods helps your mood!) Therefore, damage to your gut can hinder your sleep.

5. Skin irritation

Conditions such as eczema might be related to gut damage. When there is inflammation in the gut due to an unhealthy diet or food allergies, “leaking” of certain proteins out into the body can occur, which can irritate your skin. 

Do any of these signs resonate with you? 

If the answer is yes, then schedule a free call with a Ketality health coach to discuss your health + your specific goals and needs. 

The Ketality team has been trusted for many years to help balance hormones, address issues such as gut health, and offer customized, one-on-one weight loss coaching. 

We’ll show you how to get to the root of your problems and get the solutions you deserve. 

March 11, 2021 — Dr. Jason Olafsson